Mission Board

Mission Board

Orthodox Church which has been existing in India for the last two thousand years has started the mission society and mission board to fulfil its mission in India and hence to activate Indian Christianization. Our forefathers could declare the strong presence of God in the land through their witnessing life. From the time of St. Gregarious of Parumala itself organized missionary activities were there in India. In the time of H. G. Pathrose Mar Osthathios, mission among the gentiles became very active. But by the formation of Mission society and Mission Board the Christian mission was taken up by the Church as a whole. The Society initiates and leads mission centres all over India. Kalhandi in Orissa is a place where a lot of people die of starvation. Balagrams are functioning under Mission Board at four places in Kalhandi. Education for poor children, works among the illiterate who lives in the woods, dispensaries which provides medical assistance etc are some of the field of activities there. Yacharam St. Gregorios Balagram in Andhra Pradesh, the eye clinic associated with it, St George Balikagram in Pune, Itarsy Balagram, Karasseri Karunya Bhavan in TamilNadu, etc are all functioning efficiently. These centres extend education and medical assistance to the neighboring villages also.

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St. George Orthadox Syriyan Church
Adupputty Hills, Kunnamkulam,
Thrissur, Kerala
Pin 680503
Tele Phone Office: 04885 222807
Vicar: 04885 222807
Email: adupputty church
Page: facebook.com/adupputty church
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St. George Orthodox Church Adupputty
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